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  • 更新時間2022/11/6 15:44:16
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上海玉研科學儀器有限公司是一家專業(yè)為動物實驗、動物研究領域提供科學儀器和技術服務的公司。我們著力引進國外的*科學儀器和實踐經驗,選擇使用廣泛、應用成熟、性能*的實驗儀器和實驗方法,為國內實驗室建設、研究課題進展提供科學、合理的解決方案?! ∮裱袃x器專注于生理、藥理、毒力等動物實驗和研究的相關領域,為客戶提供動物檢驗、生理機能、呼吸血壓麻醉、行為學、肺功能研究等多方面的科學儀器產品和相關服務。我們已經與國際上眾多科學儀器研發(fā)機構建立了良好的合作渠道,并取得了多家廠商在中國的代理權,如:Vitalab、Pinnacle、Harvard、Starr Life、IITC、Stoelting、Union Biometrica、Stoelting等等?! ∮裱袃x器致力于真誠為客戶帶來價值。  我們的宗旨:客戶的肯定是我們的成功?! ∥覀兊姆绽砟睿洪_拓、創(chuàng)新、務實、服務,為客戶提供專業(yè)、優(yōu)質的服務?! ∥覀兊钠髽I(yè)使命:為動物實驗基礎研究領域提供技術產品和專業(yè)服務,為祖國的科技進步和健康事業(yè)發(fā)展做出更大貢獻?!∮裱袃x器公司——專注于動物實驗設備的技術產品和專業(yè)服務  動物手術方案:, , , 監(jiān)護儀, 動物保溫, 電凝, 手術器械, 縫合器, 快速消毒器等  生理指標檢測:血壓, 組織血流量檢測, 心電監(jiān)護, 脈搏血氧, 呼吸監(jiān)測, 心電遙測等  檢驗類儀器:血液分析, 生化檢驗, 凝血分析, 尿液, 血氣, 血小板聚集等  神經藥理:行為學, 炎癥疼痛, 腦立體定位, 微透析, 腦脊髓損傷, 腦切片磨具, Von Frey觸覺測量等  毒理設備:口鼻部給藥, 全身暴露給藥, 吸煙機, 氣溶膠發(fā)生, 肺功能研究, 呼吸代謝測量, 氣溶膠肺部定量給藥等  動物影像設備:micro-CT, X光機, B超, 視網膜成像等  其他設備:動物標記, 傷口縫合器, 箱, 鼠, , 等
全自動腦立體定位儀 產品信息


全自動腦立體定位儀是組合了經典的U型框設計定制馬達和創(chuàng)新性軟件是一款新型的腦定位儀產品。通過StereoDrive軟件此型號全自動腦立體定位儀能夠通過馬達和電腦控制三個軸方向上的位移。另外軟件中整合了Paxinos 和Watson的《大鼠腦定位圖譜》、《小鼠腦定位圖譜》能夠更方便和更直觀的進行腦立體定位。



· 腦立體定位儀由軟件驅動計算機控制

· 兼容標準腦立體定位儀

· 立體位置3軸定位

· 高精度移動精度0.001mm


· 腦立體定位儀對于小動物的腦部手術來說是一種可靠的多功能的設備。

· 通過儀器的精確定位可以確保電極、微管以及其它設備在實驗過程中的精確定位。



· 由微型電動機來準確地控制推進和停止hamilton注射器注射器可以方便地固定在腦立體定位儀上。

· 菜單操作簡單可以通過平臺選擇注射器的型號設定注射容量、注射速度。

· 流速范圍0.01 µl/min到200 µl/min



· 集成式電動機和低震動的柔韌性軸噪音低性能可靠;

· 電動機集成化固定在支撐架上;

· 可選用手動或腳踏開關控制轉速每分鐘10000轉。



· 實時精確觀察定位情況;

· 減少人為失誤確保手術精度;


motorized rat stereotaxic instruments

The Motorized Rat Stereotaxics combines the classic stereotaxic design with customized motors and state-of-the-art software. Integrated with popular stereotaxic atlases the StereoDrive software allows motorized, computer controlled stereotaxic positioning in all 3 orthogonal axes. The intuitive movement control enables unprecedented accuracy and higher throughput in all stereotaxic applications.

The Motorized Lab Standard Stereotaxic combines the classic design of our time-proven ‘U’-Frame with customized motors and state-of-the-art software.

Designed to adapt conventional stereotaxic systems, the StereoDrive software allows motorized, computer controlled stereotaxic positioning in all 3 orthogonal axes. Integrated with Paxinos and Watson’s Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, for either rat or mouse, the intuitive movement control enables unprecedented accuracy and higher throughput in all stereotaxic applications.


Digital Atlas integration

Frame representation

Calibration of frame coordinates

Setting of logical coordinate system (Bregma)

Coordinates and Atlas visualization of the probe

Advanced 3D visualization options

Spatial Atlas representation

Intuitive probe control

Intuitive navigation

Motorized UpgradeYour choice of two service options:

Option 1New Motorized Manipulator Arm and Axis StereoDrive Software
Keep your existing arm. We'll ship you a new one.

Option 2Conversion to Motorized Manipulator Arm and Axis StereoDrive Software
Send us your existing arm. We will convert it to motorized for you.

Motorized Lab Standard Stereotaxic Software SamplerThe StereoDrive software display is divided into the navigation section on the left and the 3D atlas view on the right side of the window.

1. Atlas View

2. Actual position of the probe (logical or physical)

3. Axial view thumbnail — indicating the movement in anterior-posterior (X-axis) or medio-lateral (Y Axis) direction

4. Coronal view thumbnail — indicating the movement in medio-lateral (Y-axis) or inferior-superior (Z Axis) direction

5. Anterior-posterior (X) drive control region

6. Medio-lateral (Y) drive control region

7. Inferior-superior (Z) drive control region

8. Actual coordinates of the probes tip

9. Editable target coordinates of the probes tip

10. Stop button

11. GoTo button

12. Set Lambda button — setup of the logical coordinate system

13. Set Bregma button — setup of the logical coordinate system

14. Tools — access to the microdrive calibration (frame coordinate system)

Motorized StereoDrive Software
Included with Motorized Lab Standard™ Stereotaxic

Axis StereoDrive Software integrates seamlessly with the precision controlled motors. Motor movement can be executed by using the keyboard arrow keys or clicking on the screen with the mouse.

The software coordinates motor movement of all 3 axes (anterior-posterior, medial-lateral, and dorsal-ventral) probe placement in relation to 3-dimensional visual representation of a rat (Paxinos & Watson, 6th Edition) or mouse (Watson, 3rd edition) Brain Atlas.


Easy calibration

Software-driven control of stereotaxic movement

Virtual visualization of probe location

One micron resolution

Download coordinates to computer for recall and/or archiving

Angle adjustments

Variable speed on 2-axis (dorsal-ventral)

The Motorized Lab Standard Stereotaxic combines the classic design of our time-proven ”U”-Frame with customized motors and state-of-the-art software.Designed to adapt conventional stereotaxic systems, the StereoDrive software allows motorized, computer controlled stereotaxic positioning in all 3 orthogonal axes.

Integrated with Paxinos and Watson’s Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, the intuitive movement control enables unprecedented accuracy and higher throughput in all stereotaxic applications

Image manipulations include:

Spatial Rotation

Fixed Rotation









1. Albéri, L., Lintas, A., Kretz, R., Schwaller, B., & Villa, A. E. (2013). The calcium-binding protein parvalbumin modulates the firing 1 properties of the reticular thalamic nucleus bursting neurons. Journal of neurophysiology, 109(11), 2827-2841.
2. Sonati, T., Reimann, R. R., Falsig, J., Baral, P. K., O’Connor, T., Hornemann, S., Aguzzi, A. (2013). The toxicity of antiprion antibodies is mediated by the flexible tail of the prion protein. Nature, 501(7465), 102-106.
3. Ali, I., O’Brien, P., Kumar, G., Zheng, T., Jones, N. C., Pinault, D., O’Brien, T. J. (2013). Enduring Effects of Early Life Stress on Firing Patterns of Hippocampal and Thalamocortical Neurons in RatsImplications for Limbic Epilepsy. PLOS ONE, 8(6), e66962.
4. Bell, L. A., Bell, K. A., & McQuiston, A. R. (2013). Synaptic Muscarinic Response Types in Hippocampal CA1 Interneurons Depend on Different Levels of Presynaptic Activity and Different Muscarinic Receptor Subtypes. Neuropharmacology.
5. Bolzoni, F., B?czyk, M., & Jankowska, E. (2013). Subcortical effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in the rat. The Journal of Physiology.
6. Bolzoni, F., B?czyk, M., & Jankowska, E. (2013). Subcortical effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in the rat. The Journal of Physiology.
7. Babaei, P., Tehrani, B. S., & Alizadeh, A. (2013). Effect of BDNF and adipose derived stem cells transplantation on cognitive deficit in Alzheimer model of rats. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 3, 156-161.
8. Gilmartin, M. R., Miyawaki, H., Helmstetter, F. J., & Diba, K. (2013). Prefrontal Activity Links Nonoverlapping Events in Memory. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(26), 10910-10914.
9. Feng, L., Sametsky, E. A., Gusev, A. G., & Uteshev, V. V. (2012). Responsiveness to nicotine of neurons of the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract correlates with the neuronal projection target. Journal of Neurophysiology, 108(7), 1884-1894.
10. Clarner, T., Diederichs, F., Berger, K., Denecke, B., Gan, L., Van der Valk, P., Kipp, M. (2012). Myelin debris regulates inflammatory responses in an experimental demyelination animal model and multiple sclerosis lesions. Glia, 60(10), 1468-1480.
11. Girardet, C., Bonnet, M. S., Jdir, R., Sadoud, M., Thirion, S., Tardivel, C., Troadec, J. D. (2011). Central inflammation and sickness-like behavior induced by the food contaminant deoxynivalenolA PGE2-independent mechanism.Toxicological Sciences, 124(1), 179-191.
12. Hru?ka-Plocháň, M., Juhas, S., Juhasova, J., Galik, J., Miyanohara, A., Marsala, M., Motlik, J. (2010). A27 Expression of the human mutant huntingtin in minipig striatum induced formation of EM48+ inclusions in the neuronal nuclei, cytoplasm and processes. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 81(Suppl 1), A9-A9.
13. Brooks, S., Jones, L., & Dunnett, S. B. (2010). A29 Frontostriatal pathology in the (C57BL/6J) YAC128 mouse uncovered by the operant delayed alternation task. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 81(Suppl 1), A9-A10.
14. Yu, L., Metzger, S., Clemens, L. E., Ehrismann, J., Ott, T., Gu, X., Nguyen, H. P. (2010). A28 Accumulation and aggregation of human mutant huntingtin and neuron atrophy in BAC-HD transgenic rat. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 81(Suppl 1), A9-A9.
15. Baxa, M., Juhas, S., Pavlok, A., Vodicka, P., Juhasova, J., Hru?ka-Plocháň, M., Motlik, J. (2010). A26 Transgenic miniature pig as an animal model for Huntington’s disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 81(Suppl 1), A8-A9.














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